Verktygslådan AB
Management Consulting & Language Services

Johan is probably the smartest person I have ever worked with. [...] His strong business and technical knowledge together with his analytical skills guarantees great result.
Joachim Heiroth, CTO Eniro Global (from LinkedIn)

Johan is a great team player, loyal, very smart and very knowledgable of corporate structures, stakeholder management and how to get things done. Being both an engineer and a manager he bridges the gap between management, engineers, product- and project managers in a wonderful way. I strongly recommend him.
David Craelius, CTO Klarna (from LinkedIn)

Johan is structured, keeps close attention to details without losing the strategic view, He has excellent communication skills, both verbally and in writing. He is fun to work with and has the ability to make people laugh and a sound distance to himself.
Annika Forsbom Ericsson, Senior Project Mgr, Klarna (from LinkedIn)

[Johan's] background is highly international and he enables to combine detail knowledge with trend overview. He is very hands on and has the ability to move forward and follow through projects to ensure they are being implemented successfully.
Morten Rynning, founder & CEO CyberWatcher (from LinkedIn)

CV Johan Ljung
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